
Today was a day for enjoying the garden instead of working in it. Tired from the past two days of pruning, slashing and mowing, and exhausted from toiling up the Alps with the dwindling peloton of the Tour de France, (and the early wake-up required to watch it live) I sat with my coffee (a second one was required) in the arbor this morning enjoying the quiet calm of the garden.

T he the vines are limp with tomatoes and tomatillos, hanging outside the box and trying to crowd each other out like a bunch of unruly children. Some of the yellow and green zucchinis need to be picked before they grow bigger than our heads! It can happen overnight. The eggplants are flowering and the peppers are ready to harvest. OilMan, "I planted some really hot ones, but I can't remember which ones they are…" Never a dull moment in the vegetable garden.

The cutting garden is a riot of color. Dahlias and zinnias vie with each other for who can be the most eye catching. Some of the dahlias have the advantage of size, but the zinnias have the advantage of numbers. I liked the way the sun lighted the orange dahlia, making it even more fiery.

I have almost finished editing my second Blipfoto 365 book--a big task for a rambling writer like me. Notes to self:: write less. Edit more!

Now maybe I can get caught up on the rest of my life!

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