my little eye

By clarebeme

Herculean effort

After six months of disruption we're back in our little living room. It's been a long wait and a tedious string of jobs which AlfeeTee has heroically ticked off one by one, so that this evening we were finally able to perform the ceremonial switching on of Hercules' fairy lights and the telly.

At the end of this particular series of (DIY) quests (each one more nightmarish than the last), AlfeeTee has not acquired immortality like Hercules, in fact quite the opposite. However he has been awarded minor deity status in our house for the evening. This means a celebratory beer or two, as much homemade trifle as he can eat, a pedestal to stand on (which he made himself) and no mention of DIY until tomorrow :-)

P.S. This seems like an appropriate time to thank the someone (I know not who) who bought me a blip membership. I assumed it was AlfeeTee - he was at Glasto at the time and I kept forgetting to ask. Turns out it wasn't him. So thank you someone else, very much indeed.

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