
By MummaHen

Planting by Albert Town Lagoon

The community working bee looked like it would be cancelled as the ground had been frozen solid, and then it was snowing at the start time. However between 30 and 40 turned up to help. The native trees and shrubs were quickly planted near the lagoon where the soil was wet rather than frozen. The sun came out, the snow on the ice vanished and we all chatted and ate. Various businesses had donated food so we had really scrumptious local bread and buns, plus BBQ rissoles with onions etc. topped off with tea or coffee.

There is now a public walkway / cycle track around this part of the lagoon.
The council plans to make it go all the way around. The council has been removing willows and trees from the lagoon. we were sorry to see 2 large trees that had a big colony of shags removed. The shags have moved else where, but a group of Australian Scaup (Native to NZ) have moved in.
Here is an image of the scaup

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