through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes

A, B, and C

Hello Blip!

As I promised, I am back. Explanation of why the long break will be shared later on, as there are many parts to it. But for today, I want to share what has been the biggest blessing and challenge for me for the past two months.

For those that has been following my blip since three years ago (WOW), my biggest passion has been children. Especially orphans. So I've been striving to be a teacher since high school and guess what...


I am currently a preschool teacher and it has been a JOURNEY. I am not even full-time yet too!

Let me just begin by saying: it is not an easy job. I did not come into this thinking it was going to be easy, but I did not expect it to be this challenging too. Many people are probably wondering, how can teaching a bunch of 2, 3 year old be challenging?

One, there is a lot of cleaning involved. You are basically a mother to all these children in your classroom alongside of other teachers. Cleaning of diapers, potty training accidents, lunch/snack time clean up, classroom cleaning, etc. I don't think my hands have touched that many hand soaps and sanitizers my whole life.

Second, not only are you teaching them necessary academic stuff, but are you also building the foundation that they need for the rest of their lives. The alphabet, the sounds, colors, shapes, basic vocabs and sentence structures. This alone is a huge part in your role as their teachers.

This last point is what has been on my mind ever since I got this job.

At first when the only job response I got back was from this school, I was uneasy about it. My heart was still for Taiwan but no one was getting back to me. Even the schools that I applied to here that would be easier for me transportation-wise, never got back to me also. So when this school, which requires an hour and a half of commuting, was the only place that got back to me, I honestly was a little disappointed, but just shrugged and went for it. Of course, I was overjoyed when I got it too. My first teaching job! Who wouldn't be? But I was still questioning why God would want me to wait on Taiwan as I began my days at this school.

And the children gave me the answer.

Truthfully, I always thought I was already good at loving children (whatever that means). That I was already patient enough, knowledgeable on how to discipline, and loving enough to be a teacher anywhere.

I was so wrong.

The classroom of 16 students that I am in every week have taught me more than any other experiences I've been through, of my imperfect love, quick-tempered impatience, and definitely zero knowledge of disciplining. And it was through those moments that showed me of these sides, the more clear why God wanted me to wait on my biggest passion and dream of one day building or joining an orphanage school.

It was because if I had no ability or even eyes to see how I cannot even love these children that has a home to go back to, it would be unfair for me to step into the world of these orphans that do not even understand what it means to be loved, held, and cared for. To even have a family.

No. Even more importantly, who am I to even understand an orphan's world? Their story and their heart? What they see, what they feel?

It may of been my pride that drove me to wanting to pursue my dream and passion this early, but now it is my humbled and broken down heart that wants it even more now.

Thank you, Father.
For opening my eyes these past few months.

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