One More Rainbow

We going away on Tuesday at 7am so today has been spent on making sure I have got everything sorted before going. My son came around just I was going to go out to take my library books back and get a few shots of the city for a my blip today.. but as you can see that didn't happen.

The afternoon was spent setting up my Tab with free calling to my sons while away and also he got me set up with down loading e books from the library, which is great as I don't like taking away library books.

I have a friend on Flickr who I meet two years ago when she was in Christchurch and we spent the day together and got on really well.. she is going to be in Suffers the same time as us and we are arranging to meet up. Because my cell phone died a few months ago I lost all my phone numbers.. so asked for her number again and sent off a text but she never got it. I received hers but I tried many times but no she didn't receive them. When my son looked at the number she gave me, she had added some 0's .. so now that is all OK, contact at last!

My son is going to look after our cat while we are away and keep a eye on the house. When he was leaving he noticed this rainbow and came back to tell me. By the time I got up stairs the rainbow was fading.

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