
By HowWonderful

Today I surprised everyone.

Today was a happy day....I surprisedly reached my birth weight!
For those of you who have been following closely you will know that I lost an awful lot of weight in 48 hours after my birth. Most babies loose around 10% of their weight which they usually regain within two weeks. However, I lost more like 20% which was one of the reasons that mum and I had to stay in hospital for longer. Mum had to force feed me (because I would much rather sleep) with her breast milk and bottles of formula so that I regained some of the weight without having to go on a drip. Since then I have been feeding much better although my weight has still fluctuated occasionally.
Well, today the midwife weighed me and to mum and dad's surprise I am back to my birthweight at exactly two weeks old today! Mum and dad are pretty pleased with me...high fives all round! Mum even had a little cry...she really needs to toughen up a little.
We had a nice family walk in the sunshine and then I got to meet my lovely Uncle Dean and Aunty Ceara. What a great day!

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