A Famous Person

This was the only photo I took today.
I could have blipped the Little Misses eating their Happy Meal before going to see How to Train Your Dragon 2.
I could have blipped the terror on Miss E's face as the dragons got meaner, bigger and fiercer.
I could have blipped their sad faces at a sad bit.
I could have blipped their excitement in John Lewis.
Or their total giddiness in the Disney Store.
I could have blipped cornfields on the way home or the random blossom that's appeared on our apple tree.
I could have blipped the Nurofen which I've been necking for days (and which I hopefully can put away soon as the weird migrating muscle pain seems to have settled in my left shoulder, is easing and, all being well, will be gone tomorrow)
I could have blipped the stir fry I made for dinner. A triumph. Or the last yoghurt which Mr K selflessly let me have for pudding.
But this was the only photo I took today.

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