Candystripe Spider

I am sure this will not be a popular blip but I liked the markings and its translucent legs (see in large) on this Candystripe Spider (Enoplognatha ovata) that I disturbed while pruning in the garden. Although I took several photos those showing the whole body were not clear.

This spider is a comb-footed spider, also known as cobweb spiders and tangle-web spiders (family Theridiidae). They got their name from the way they use a comb of serrated bristles found on the tarsus of the fourth leg. This comb is used to tease the silken threads over and around the stricken prey. It is a common garden spider that likes to construct its web in amongst plants. Their webs are constructed by attaching one end to the plant and allowing the rest of the web to dangle as a mesh of attached strands. Any unfortunate prey quickly become ensnared.

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