Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Just say...wait...what?

I stole a packet of Love Hearts from the Blip Together meeting on Saturday night and found them lurking at the bottom of my handbag today. Since I was in pretty dire need of sugar, I decided to munch through them and this was at the very bottom of the packet.

Considering the other ones had things like 'you're my world', 'sweet heart' and 'love muffin', I was a bit surprised to see this one in there. Just say no? Possibly a bit deep and meaningful for a packet of sweets? Although if they want to get their message through in this way who am I to judge them?

Had a nice night tonight. My friend came over who has just joined the police force and she was telling me all the things they've been going over in training and where she's going to be and what sort of things they'll be expected to deal with. She's understandably excited and has learned more valuable information in 5 months of training than she probably did at 4 years of University. She's going to absolutely kick ass and be a great policewoman. I wanted to take a photo of her epaulettes but they've got her serial number on them so I couldn't. Oh well.

Early night for me. :)

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