Butterfly Counting

Sam's quick snap of Tess' close encounter with a ringlet butterfly as we were heading back down the hill after a butterfly count, as requested by no less than Mr David Attenborough himself. Sam wouldn't have wanted to disappoint Mr A so we squeezed it into the two hours of glorious late tea time sunshine sandwiched in-between the pea soup mist and drizzle of the day.

We coyly glimpsed some crickets making grasshopper love (loads of of Vic Reeves style pre-coital leg rubbing was going on) and spied enough meadow browns and ringlets to start an army. Even with one of our cats making the hill hike with us and trying his best to paw some wee moths in the long grasses - nae chance Thumper - we managed to see and hear the beasties flutter by.

Nice antidote to having to spend so much time loitering in town earlier while Sam finally did his graduation battle at the warhammer shop. When the kids are off I get a bit too laid back and lazy on the organisation front, makes it that wee bit harder to get my work head on for Monday morning, but that we must.

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