Some romantic soul once said, 'When you wake up with a song stuck in your head, it means an angel sang you to sleep.' (Or perhaps you just left the radio on all night.....)
The persistent ringing of her mobile woke Marta from a deep sleep. She knew, without looking at the phone, that it was her mother calling. Only she managed to make the ringtone sound irritable.
'Did I wake you dear?' asked Dora brightly.
With difficulty, Marta focussed on her watch. 'It's half six on Sunday morning. What on earth makes you think I'd be asleep?'
'Don't be sarcastic Marta. Men don't like women who are sarcastic. It's really no wonder you're single.'
Marta stuck her tongue out. 'Mother, is there something I can do for you? I want to sleep.'
'You're wasting the best part of the day dear.' said Dora. 'I'm phoning to ask what you'd like for your birthday. And don't stick your tongue out. It's rude.'
Marta briefly wondered how many years you got for committing matricide.
'I don't know mum, but I'll have a think, ok? Now please let me sleep. I'll ring you later.'
She switched the phone off and closed her eyes.
Silence, blissful silence.
And then, 'How does your mother know you were sticking your tongue out?'
Marta pulled a face at her companion. 'She's a bloody witch, that's how. Now shhhhh, I'm sleeping....'
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