Sunday service
We've got our Sunday bus service back!
Lucky city dwellers have little idea what public transport can be like in country areas. Woodbridge is the 10th biggest town in Suffolk - but after the last bus departs early on Saturday evening there's a 36 hour hiatus until the next bus arrives on Monday morning.
Unless its a Bank Holiday. Then we're talking 60 hours and Tuesday morning.
This dreadful state of affairs has continued since the last service was cancelled three years back, at literally two weeks' notice.
You're too old to drive? too ill? too injured? too young? too poor?
Too bad.
You need to go to the minor injuries clinic? hospital visiting? maybe just get out?
No way.
Until now. After three years of lobbying we've got the bus back!
At least until Christmas. After that, it depends on how many travellers...
Use it or lose it, fellow townsfolk.
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