I didn't get the moon.

I haven't had the proper camera until K brings it back in the evenings, for days now.

I completely lost interest in taking photographs when wee digital cameras came on the scene as I always found I didn't get the picture I wanted, so I just stopped. A shame really. I did try to take SLR film pics again quite a few years ago but I was so awful at taking the film to get developed, I just lost interest in that. Since getting this camera I've begun to love picture taking (photography to more serious people) again. I'm not really too into 'rules' of photography. I know all the basics on how to use the camera and what all the buttons do and I do always prefer to use the manual setting (often ignoring the wee exposure metre thingy). I just like to get a good (to me) image. The image may be 'wrong' on many levels but I don't really care about that.

So anyway, I just wait until the camera is back with me and then I'll take some pics. That is why the majority of my pics of late are night or interior shots. I was a bit lazy tonight. I wanted to go outside to take pics of the moon and beautiful starry sky but I couldn't be bothered with the tripod, so I just took a bundle of pictures sitting the camera on various surfaces, cars, walls, bins. So I wasn't choosing the composition really. Just pointing the camera in the vague direction of sky that caught my eye. Couldn't get the moon.

I quite liked this. This is from my neighbour's sons car roof....a Golf.

Oh... and, this is probably a crime in the world of photography, The lens is needing a good clean.

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