Sharna of Tibet

By SharnaofTibet

Mono Monday Mutt...

Just to set the record straight, I am NOT a mutt - J just liked the alliteration! I am a Tibetan Terrier, don't you know?!?
Anyway, in honour of last week's blip meet, (where J met Gingernan, who mentioned that this week's Mono Monday topic would be Pets), J thought we could have a go. We met with the Wanaka Walkers B Team today, however we were Tussockless :0(
We walked from Glendhu Bay back towards Wanaka. It was a rather cold day, but the walk was enjoyable! We stopped for lunch, and J encouraged me to jump up on this big rock for this photo. We had to navigate over several cattle stops - J thinks it was my first experience of these based on my reaction to them, but I'm not divulging anything from my former lives - suffice to say, they were not enjoyable items to try to traverse - I tried the walk over gingerly, the leap at it, the running jump, then the avoidance strategy - none of which were particularly successful! Eventually, with the guidance of Sam (of Travelling Kiwi) I went through the wire fencing at the side of these dratted things. Anyhow, hope you like the photo! We're now warming up by the fire, resting our weary legs...

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