Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Sam : 1999 - 2014

Sam was "adopted" by our friend Pam when he was about 2 years old. He had been chained to a post on a farm "back o' Dent" and given a tin bath to shelter under ( and presumably been thrown the odd scrap of food ). He was a collie who didn't like working sheep, so the farmer had no time for him. One of Pam's friends helps rescue dogs like these, and thought Pam would be the ideal person to look after Sam, and her previous dog Poppy had recently died, so... the rest is history.
Sam never knew how close he came to being sent back - on more than one occasion - but Pam persevered and turned Sam into an almost normal dog! He was a pathetic specimen at first, with a dull coat and barely any power in his back legs. He had many hang ups - he barked at aeroplanes, water in the pipes and postmen. He was scared of ( in no particular order ) skateboards, bikes, crowds in Ambleside, walking poles ( and when he first came to Pam, men in general ). He had a lovely nature though, and loved nothing better than to run in circles through the reeds on Fairfield, his food, and his many toys ( especially the ones that squeaked ). And Pam, of course. He is missed, especially on our walks in the Lakes. RIP Sam.
This is my entry for MonoMonday : Pets hosted by gingernan again this week - many thanks!

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