Monster haul

On the pass for 9am this morning, and within the first hour had bagged over thousand fotos.

And the day just went from there. Determined to beat my all time best of 14,200, and gave up at 14,450 for the day.

Monster haul. Camera worked perfectly, although it's probably wondering whether it got the short straw when it came to me. Surprised that we even got one set of batteries (two batteries) to over 15,000 before swapping them out - and they were still going!

Day wasn't quite to plan though. Overnight we filled up the first of the 2TB drives (from the previous day). Stupidly knew they were going to fill up, so had to reprocess everything first thing in the morning - from the CF card.

Which is a big problem. I have 1 x 128CF card that I use, and then a bunch of smaller ones from previous years. With the 128 out of use today, I was using 3 16s and 1 32. And a MacBook. So really had to mess around during the day getting things onto the MacBook to free up the cards again. Ended up with 140G of fotos.

So what with all the messing around, stopping for 2 minutes to have lunch, and trying not to have a wee all day long (didn't work), I probably missed 1k of shots.

The day did not stop. Until it did and I went home.

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