With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Learning across the seas.

I had a busy but great day with two trips to Deiá where worryingly the wind was getting up. This sandwiched my other new job, where I learned my first few words of Guaraní. I find it impossible to transcribe, being very guttural and myself having such a Western ear as far as languages are concerned. Anyway, thanks to Cecil(le), I might get a drink of water if I'm ever thirsty in Paraguay!

Meanwhile, Ben had music homework. I was delighted to find he was studying a little about Vaughan Williams, so we listened to this amongst others. (Little Agu loved the Wasp Overture and tried to sing ALL the notes of Lark Ascending. I can't quite believe it, but he got the top note spot on with a squeak. Scary.

I'd hoped my picture from the cliff tops might be better, so I'll settle for the cover of the c.d. AKHF may recognise a name on the front.!

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