MonoMonday Challenge - Pets: Percy & Primrose
This was not an easy challenge for me as I don't have pets. It's not that I don't like animals; I do, but I prefer other people's that you can give back (I did have tropical fish for a while but they had to go when I realised they gave me severe chest problems every time I cleaned them out - must have been the algae spores). So I narrowed it down to a few options:
1. The neighbour's cat: Unlikely to work. It only ever comes into my garden to perform its ablutions. I swear it sometimes has a towel over its shoulder and a newspaper under its arm. Given the way I react whenever I see it performing, I think it is highly unlikely that it would hang around long enough to have its photo taken.
2. Mrs H: OK, I know she is not herself a pet in the true sense. However, in parts of the North East of England the word 'pet' is an affectionate way of addressing a lady. Think of the phrase "Get yer coat Pet, yer've pulled" or the alternate chat-up line "Hey Pet, yer don't sweat much for a fat lass". (A word of caution. Whilst these chat-up lines are interchangeable, I'd warn against using them both at the same time. If it elicits a response such as "Haddaway and sh*t* man, or I'll duff yer up", particularly if you are standing in the Bigg Market in Newcastle at the time, I'd advise a hasty exit.)
3. The horses in the adjacent field: A possibility, but they were all at the far side and didn't seem to want to model for me today.
4. Percy and Primrose: I've Blipped them both before and so long as there is a tickle behind the ear going (that's me tickling them not the other way round), they are happy to oblige. So, Percy and Primrose it is!
Thanks once again to Gingernan for hosting this week's challenge.
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