New life

Another beautiful, warm day in Orkney saw my beautiful girl and I out for a wander with the woofers to Wasdale again. As we came out through the woods we looked into the field to see this new arrival.
As a child I spent a huge amount of time following my Dad around on farms as he worked as a vet. I watched, and helped, in the delivery of hundreds of calves. There were calvings that just required a a little bit of extra help and there were those which ended up as cesarean sections. The older I got, and the more I had seen, the more involved I became. It was easier for me Dad to get me to help than to have to explain to someone else what needed to be done. In all of that time I have never seen a natural calving, and I was a few minutes too late here again. The calf seemed to be very healthy and was just getting up on its little wobbly little legs. By the time we passed by again, the little guy was having a right good feed from mum. I suppose tomorrow the calf will be racing around with its new mates.

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