The Orient Express

By koko

My tired looking robin

Looks like my little robin needs a good holiday, it's looking a little scruffy. I had the feeling he was around as the odd mealworms I've been putting out has been disappearing . Nice to see it.
Tonight I'm driving myself mad as I've mislaid a little adaptor with my memory card still attached , retraced my steps and turned most things upside down. I just know it's going to turn up somewhere really stupid .
Also feeling a little sad as well as mad as my little dog Theo is now sporting a black eye and a slightly sore leg and I probably could have avoided it.
I went out for the usual dog walk and on returning decided to put him in his crate in the back where most times I would have him up front with me.
Well he had a fit on the way back and did the damage, this is the third daytime fit he has had , all the rest happen at night. A diary is being kept but I just can't work out the trigger, I have the choice to up his medicine but also the long term effects bother me. I'm feeling quite fed up tonight .........
Edit, found the adapter in my short pocket sitting in the washing machine, phew that was close.
Little Thee seems happier

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