In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Park life

Another busy, fun day.
Dropped of gooseberries at Cafe 52, went over to our other flat for five minutes, then parked up in Union Square before going in search of more dolphins.
The one in Trinity Center is a golf themed amphibian. What's odd about is it is behind security ropes and guarded by two security guys who have to move the ropes to let you take pictures.


This one is in Union Terrace Gardens, the park than Sir Ian Wood wants to rebuild and destroy.

Go figure.

We then went to Revolution to get some food before Stevaan caught the train back home. Unfortunately with only an hour or so until his train left , and after waiting twenty minutes, we were informed that there was, " A problem with the kitchen and food will be a but longer. "
Eh? I don't think so.

So after not being charged for the drinks, we left. Stevaan grabbed a bacon roll, spotted the dolphin in the station , and said , " Goodbye." To him, and went elsewhere to eat.

Got home just in time for Janine and Michael topical AJ up to take her home.

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