8.30pm and still a bit sweaty ..
Weather wise that is ... Those little thunder bug thingies keep going up my nose and they make my window sills look grubby ! It's driving me mad,I keep my sills clean and clear of clutter and I do not want dead bugs on them !!!
I've been busy looking after Jake today ,I took him for his MMR booster injection as it makes Zoe feel sick,so I hold jake and she frets and shakes next to us .. It's not because she's rubbish it's because she cries if he cries in pain where as I am very practical and only think of the fact all my children are protected etc ..obviously I don't want him to yell for a second but equally I don't want him blinded by contracting measles or something,you know what I mean .
Anyway Lucy and lili did a wonderful job wearing him out and I returned him partially clothed and filthy at 8pm this evening x
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