Pictures by Ahti's dad

By hevosmies

Strawberry transportation

The fridge's broken and next available time for the maintenance is in Friday. We won't even be at home then. Luckily my wife's sister lives nearby. We took most of the strawberries I bought yesterday (15 kg, over 80 euros) to her freezer using an ice box for the transportation. At least they'll be safe. We already dumped some milk, yoghurt and butter since we weren't sure if they were safe. The temperature in the fridge has been between 8-14 C.

It's not the first technical issue we've had in our new apartment. The former resident hadn't put a plug into the pipe's end connecting to dishwasher (that we don't have) resulting some water leaking during dishwashing into the closet below kitchen sink. Luckily the problem wasn't too bad and the pipe's end has been plugged now.

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