Morning at the top of Japan

Started a very early day at 1:30 am from the cottage to go up to the top. Many tourists/climbers in a row trying to do the same thing.

Close to 0゚c degrees around this altitude and the wind made it even colder.

After 2 and a half hours, finally to the top 3776m above sea level before the sun came up at 4:30 am. Good morning sunshine!
Amazing sight. Fortunate to have such a day with no clouds or fog at the top although I saw normal clouds way down there. It makes you feel that you're stronger than anything I think.
I guess all the around me enjoyed this sight as well.

Now on the way down. Easier definitely then going up but I can easily imagine I'll have heavy strains around my body tomorrow. But thanks to the weather today, I'm having a wonderful time with the sight around me while going down as well.

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