tea towel, what tea towel?

Taken early this morning while the pups still had some energy left.

I took the puppies to Friston Forest for their walk. It started off well, a nice zig zag route to climb the hill through shady woodland, a breezy open grassy stretch with amazing views, we even found a dew pond for a paddle and cool off.

Then we got lost. I say we but of course I mean me. The gps couldn't find the way back to the car so we plodded on in increasing heat until the signal picked up and we were back on track. Annoyingly although I knew the direction I wanted to go in, no paths went that way, just a steep wooded drop.

By the time we returned to the car we had clocked up 6.44 miles in 2 hours 22 minutes and 22 seconds. Poor puppies! When you're only tiny that is a long long way. Even Storm had begun to flag in the last mile. They were so pleased to see the car and have some water. They are spark out now :)

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