Can Miquelitus potshot

A quick snap from my café table this evening - I came to Can Miquelitus to do a bit of 1) praying and 2) research. Read THE most incredible chapter going through various myths the general person may believe about the Romani, and just completely blasting them out of the water! Incredible! The book I'm currently reading is by a Romani man, Ian Hancock, so he definitely comes from a place of genuine knowledge.
Spent the morning doing Spanish...I also think I may have found myself a Spanish tutor (to complement the Spanish/English conversation sessions)...hoping to start 1-1 classes next week. Praying the extra structured learning will propel me forward with my language!

There's a thing on facebook at the moment, listing 3 things you're grateful for that I'm going to do it here...just to keep me grateful and aware.
So today...
1) Special moments with Asha throughout today...playing football together, lying down together for naptime...
2) Our water filter! Even though we only left the UK 6 months ago (and therefore safe tap water!), it's still amazing to me that we can use the tap water now! The convenience is wonderful - especially on hot days like today when all 3 of us are drinking loads!
3) Knowing that our prayer group are meeting tonight. It's very touching knowing people care about us and are willing to give up an evening to pray for us and think about our concerns... Very grateful, to them and God!

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