Big ears!

I ran my moth trap again last night, and as usual apart from the obvious moths there was the odd other type of flying insect attracted to light.
Beetles, Caddis flies and wasps are quite normal, but when I found this little bug this morning I was really excited!
This little beauty is the Eared tree hopper Ledra aurita, and a bug I have been hoping to find for quite some time.
It is a large (13 - 18mm) leafhopper and the only member of the family Ledrinae found in the UK and Europe.
It has ear-like projections on the pronotum , and this unusual appearence along with it's grey/green colour is excellent camouflage.
Due to it's desire to sit on lichen-covered trees it is not often seen and therefore probably under recorded. As such it is listed as local, with only a few records from West Sussex.
Not to confused with the Horned treehopper Centrotus cornutus, which I blipped on 9.6.13.
I wonder what will be in my moth trap tonight!

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