Windmills of my mind

Windmills of your mind
I didn't know there were so many versions/artists who have sung this, but I certainly liked this one. Thought it fitting to today's image of the fading windmill on the windowsill in the kitchen in Holland and some craquelee texture by French Kiss Textures (brume & epic). It's kind of festive and kind of pensive ...

So, today is son no 2 (Mau for short)'s birthday and we spent it looking for a suitable accommodation which is turning out much more difficult than we thought. To be continued. He had apple pie and presents (and he even asked if I could take a picture of his presents, 'boys and their toys' !) And as a reply to hsuf :-), no, I don't think most mothers ever stop taking care of their sons (and probably neither of their daughters)

Thank you very much for your comments and stars for the grunge freesia yesterday, I don't often get angry but I won't let it spoil my well-being, don't be worried about that.

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