
I got together with a few friends today and created this spiritual art form called a SoulCollage Card. What fun and so intuitive. The cards are supposed to tell your story. You cut pictures out of magazines that you feel drawn to and make a collage out of them. The very first thing I was drawn to was this stormy skies picture (which is what I called this piece.) I really didn't want to pick such dark black clouds because I like sunny blue skies but I knew my card had to tell my story whether I liked the picture or not and stormy clouds is what I have been living these past few months. I was pretty blown away at the turnout and after studying the picture I decided to change the title of my card from "Stormy Skies" to "How I get through my Stormy Skies". Lying in the sun (the sunflower sun, I just love that), reading, coloring with colored pencils and having my beach bag packed hanging on the door ready to go at a moments notice are just some of the things that make me happy and help me get through my stormy days. Yep, this collage really does tell my story at this time in my life. So cool! Cannot wait to make my next card and see how it speaks to me.

(Playing blip catch up today, take a look back it you care :) hope to get caught up by tomorrow and back on track in August. I think it will be my own personal challenge for August, back to my blip a day. Been missing it, can't let life get in the way of your creative self...She said to herself.

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