
By LorsDors


Back blip for yesterday.

Gorgeous day yesterday! It was so hot that my hippy deodorant was pushed to its limits and I'm fairly certain it failed me. My name is LorsDors. I am a seriously sweaty betty.

Anyway, I had huuuuuuuge fun out in Glasgow last night. I headed over in glorious sunshine to hang out with two of the loveliest and impressive ladies you could ever meet, we had dinner and then headed over to the Rotunda in the shadow of the am-a-zing crane of actual joy, for the opening night of The Tin Forest by the National Theatre of Scotland. It's part of the cultural programme for Glasgow 2014.

The audience was stuffed with excited, happy and seriously giddy super young people from various commonwealth countries who've been working with NTS for the past few days. They, along with the superb cast and musicians on the stage, made sure we had an actual blast.

The after show reception was in the rotunda which they've temporarily renovated for Festival2014. Fantastic space. really hope I get the chance to take the girls over.

Got home super late... Super weary...

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