Tutto bene

By Blackdrake


If it's this hot again tomorrow I think I shall have to make the boys some Bisto ice lollies! !
Elise went with her cousin and my sis to Loch Lomond today, they played in the loch and went out in a dinghy. Amber went to see The Fault in Our Stars with her pal then had lots of water fun in the garden.
We had surprise visit from friends so had dinner in the garden with them then watched the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony. It was a bit cheesy at the start but I still thought it was fun and colourful. I loved the dancing tea cakes (you'll have seen them in a previous blip of mine) and thought having a message from the ISS was great. I hope all our visitors and athletes have a great time in Glasgow.
The pressie wrapping has happened so it's off to bed for me. Elise's birthday tomorrow. Fun is planned.


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