
By startagain

Cooling down

Straight to work this morn and welcomed our lab manager back from her vacation/hols. It was good to have another body to help with the students, although it's really me worrying about them so I spend more checking/helping them than M does - I need to be more hands off so they can develop their own independence. I don't think I micro-manage but I support them too eagerly sometimes (and I am easily distracted from boring writing!)
Great result today - possibly with worldly implications for mosquitoes!!! Not very often I'm so optimistic but truly wondrous science today - if it's not in the press in the next year or so then I'm a monkey's uncle. Changing the sex of a mosquito has never been done before and this might be the first step.
Home afterwards and N had cooked another stunner as we had T over this eve. An absolutely cracking pork tenderloin with beautiful roast spuds (even she admits they're great), steamed green beans with a bacon, Marsala, mushroom and mustard! Dessert was choc cheesecake which was another triumph.
This is N relaxing on the couch after all that cooking!

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