
By DevonDumpling


Another scorching hot day....Sunflowers first grown in Central and South America ( mostly for their usefulness, providing oil and food) rather than their beauty.
Its said that the natives of the Inca Empire worshipped a giant sunflower and that Incan priestesses wore large sunflower discs made of gold on their garments.Images of sunflowers were found in the temples of the Andes mountains. and Native American Indiands placed bowls of sunflower seeds on the graves of their dead. The Impressionist period of art is famous for its fascination with the sunflower.....particularly Vincent Van favourite artist.
The third wedding anniversary flower and the state flower of Kansas, sunflowers turn their faces to follow the sun. Their open faces symbolize the sun itself, conveying warmth and happiness, adoration and longevity.

My garden birds certainly love the Sunflower seeds and we got so many visiting our feeders. I also like to eat them!

The sun has shone constantly today, but it was very hot at my Line dance class this evening......

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