
By acr83

Growing Collection

After the midwife visit today the baby was measuring 5cm smaller than last time. Of course we all suspected he was just hiding but we had to have a scan just to be sure. As expected he's right on track and is currently (according to the ultrasound) 7lb 5 oz. completely average... Unless he goes overdue that is, then I'll start worrying a little.

My husband was busy with work so he missed it and I took Mum instead who was (luckily for her) home from work for the day... We're also trusting the doctor that she is non contagious now after nearly two weeks on and off with sick days. I certainly don't want what she has.
We could see a really clear image of the face today and saw him opening and closing his mouth. Unfortunately the printed picture didn't come out so clear. We also re-confirmed that he is definitely a he. Phew! We've got a lot of boy stuff!

Still struggling through slow days without much to do. But I got a wee care package of magazines from my mother in law today which will be great for those moments when I'm almost tempted to start watching the infomercials.

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