Boy it was hot today...but I'm not complaining, I'm loving it. Of course I had left my writing until the last minute so I got up early and scribbled furiously. It wasn't finished, but there was enough to take with me. I decided to ride down to the library as it was too hot to drive.
I had arranged to meet Tracy in Monton after the meeting so I pedalled along the canal. It really was the perfect day to be out on a bike. We sat outside the Coffeeshop and had a sandwich, a natter and some good people watching. We then hankered after an ice cream and so we walked through the golf course to the ice cream parlour. After all my riding and walking I didn't think a little ice cream would be too great a sin.
I then rode on to Carole's and watered the plants, I was very tempted to stick the hose over my head ha ha ha. After all my pedalling and walking I collapsed in the garden with my book...The Little Old Lady Who Broke All the Rules. I'm shattered now, but pleasantly so.
Just out of interest what are people's views on tattoos?
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