
By Carscribe

Just one cornet ...

A rendezvous in Runnymede. I had arranged to meet up with one of my old chums and fellow presenters from old Top Gear days, Chris Goffey. Back then, we were a team of four and the programme was a televised motoring magazine. If we squealed the tyres on a corner during a road test report, we had to re-shoot the sequence, because it was deemed a bad example to the motoring public! How times have changed.

The motive for today's meeting was to shift the contents of his car boot into mine. I'm organising a fund-raising stand at the Beaulieu Autojumble in September, from which a team of us from the Guild of Motoring Writers will sell old car books, brochures, press kits and model cars to support a benevolent fund. Chris kindly had an office turn-out to help the cause.

Once we'd heaved the stuff between the two cars, we treated ourselves to an ice cream as a reward. Yum, the taste of summer.

I scream,
You scream,
We all scream
For ice cream.

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