BoHingles Blips

By BoHingles

Is this......


After the rejection from four gents to have their photo taken I was almost destined to do a landscape shot for todays blip, which wouldn't have been that great as the sky was a little washed out and cloudless. That was until I spotted a potential ahead of me.

I noticed a couple taking photographs of each other on a mobile phone, I approached them and asked if they were a couple and if they wanted me to take some shots for them as I had my camera to hand. They looked at each other, said maybe and yes I could take their photographs. I started with the pair of them and then individually. Both were very bubbly and seemed to enjoy being photographed putting on the posing faces which I was trying to avoid.

The "couple" shot.

I asked if this was there first date, which they both giggled and said maybe. Haha I knew it and what a thing for me to do, gate crashing a first date. Well I hope it broke the ice for the two of them. I wish them well whether they hit it off or not.

So here is to young love and Arrianna & Nantchev

Thanks for looking

Mr Bo Hingles

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