When you first walk in to the cathedral the 1st thing you notice is how high the ceilings are....its an absolutely incredible vast building with many monuments and side chapels. Henry V is buried here and you can peer over the railings into the eyes of one of our greatest monarchs. Scaffolding covers one end of this magnificent place which is incredible in itself.

What shocked me the most was that the charge to visit is £10.50 per person, but there is a lot to see & I spent over 90minutes exploring. C went to the shops which she enjoyed & we met later in a coffee shop, before leaving the city & driving on to Whitstable a place famous for its oysters. Didn't eat any be honest the whole plaice smelt very fishy and it put me off somewhat.

We did park up at the front and witnessed the delivery of the new RNLI lifeboat. They were also in the process of taking the old one away which interestingly was named the Oxford Town & Gown which had been paid for by the people of Oxford more than 13 years ago.

Long drive back in the cool of the evening.

Very hot tiring day.

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