
By scribbler


Six-part street mural off MLK south of Fremont.

My reward for today's good deed is that it brought me onto a block I'd never traversed before, where I discovered this mural. (Sorry, Mollymay, there was a kangaroo too but it didn't make the cut.)

The good deed was a potlatch of art supplies to a young artist, Justin, who works at the Pearl Bakery. I recently went to see his work in a local gallery and saw a small painting done on really crummy paper, so I mentioned to him that I had some fine art paper to share. Today he came away with so much that he couldn't carry it all and I had to drive him home! Fabriano drawing paper, Arches watercolor blocks in various sizes, a variety of sketchbooks and journals, large sheets of Strathmore and Arches watercolor paper, large sheets of Canson paper in a myriad of colors, large sheets of Rives BFK and Arches Cover paper for printmaking and drawing ... that's all I can recall but there was more.

What was I thinking when I bought all this stuff? ("I'm suffering from artist's block, so I think I'll do some shopping therapy at the art store.") And moved it from state to state? ("They might not have a good art supply store where I'm going!") I still have a lifetime's supply of any paper I might need, and I've made a young artist very happy. Hence I've made myself very happy as well.

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