Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Colorado: More Rockies

Life has returned in full force!

We had a great time with my mom and brother while they were here and in spite of the rain. But, they left a couple of days ago, and now we are back to our crazy life. Today is a good example.

After a sleepless night, I spent most of the morning re-packing boxes of personal items that we have had in storage here in Colorado for several years. I always say that if you haven't used if for a year, then maybe you just don't need it. So, the giveaway pile began to grow rapidly.

Midway through my reorganization, I received a phone call from my client's attorney with more questions about the report that I produced. It was actually a great conversation and allowed me to educate him about the finer points of US mining law. He finally got it. It only took two hours.

Since it was getting very hot even in the garage, I decided to wrap up my packing for the day. J asked me to runs some errands with him, which led us on a little excursion and a short photo session. After a leisurely dinner out, we arrived back home and I was quickly immersed in a multitude of emails and phone calls from my client, his attorney and geologist. Several hours later and the creation of a lengthy action list, I quit for the evening. Then I realized I hadn't processed my photos for the day.

So, here I am, very late again.

Thank you so much for all of the comments, stars and hearts for my sunset blip last night. I really liked the photo and am glad that you did too!

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