
By Grimsayer

Bee-eaters are back

Every Summer we get flocks of Bee-eaters over the Ardeche house but they do not arrive until late July. Today was that day.
Always a stunning bird, you always hear their call before you see them high up in the sky. That call sounds like a trim-phone - which probably says more about my age than anything else.
They don't always come down from their insect catching forays and this shot is a bit distant and not as sharp as I would like. It still however captures the tropical colours that these birds bring to the area.
Frustratingly it is one of the commonest rare birds - if that makes sense - that I have not seen in the UK and the Hebrides is not the place to put that right!
Typing this made me think - how many other words can you think of with three consecutive letters the same? The French get around that by calling the species Guepier - a "wasper" rather than a Bee-eater.

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