Calm at the End of the Day

Firstly, I’m stunned, really I am.  Yesterday’s "chic motel" whizzed into Spotlight in double quick time and was sitting at #1 spot when I woke this morning and has stayed there for the duration. Thanks so much all of you that stopped by.

Moved south from Greymouth mid morning, stopping off at a local cafe for breakfast, and then driving to Hokitika.  A delightful little town with many attractions and many scenic spots within a short drive inland.  We chose the country options, travelling through the Greymouth river plains home to thriving dairy farms to the Hokitaka Gorge.  We enjoyed a short walk through native bush into the gorge, over a large swing bridge showing magnificent teal blues in the deep waters way below.  Lots of pictures were taken in this area.

Then further inland to do the circuit of Lake Kaniere stopping along the shore to have a picnic lunch.  I had my eye on a jetty to do some photography but someone had beaten me too the prime spot.  After watching him and hoping he would move on I wandered over to him.  We chatted photography and the Lee Big Stopper (which he loves – he was doing 2 minute LE and in bright sunshine) for some time.  
Doug resorted to reading after I became serious and got my tripod out of the vehicle. Ha!!

He directed us to another little lake that had a jetty and this is where I did the LE blip.  The sun was getting low which made it easier for me who hasn't got the Lee Big Stopper (yet)!!  I dithered as to which photo to blip, Here is the other option.....Morning on the Beach  :)

Home tomorrow :)


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