
By misshistory19

The m62

So I left Liverpool today after a wonderful day and night with my friends and then an equally wonderful lunch with my auntie, uncle, cousins and their family's! It's a shame that the reason for visiting my auntie is that she is not very well, but I love spending time with them all so it's always something I like doing and hopefully the doctors will be able to help make her much better soon.

Anyway here is the m62, not a motorway that I drive very often or usually spend much time on (that's the m6 on a drive to Liverpool) but today me and about a mile stretch of it spent over an hour in each other's company!!! There seems to have been a rather nasty accident and the motorway was brought to a halt and closed, I hope it wasn't too serious! But I was one of the first cars to be let back on it, which is a good job as I would have been still driving around Warrington now I think! Anyway home safe to my lovely boys and grateful for having wonderful friends and family in my life :)

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