Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

No Resta

OW I feld so ashamed coz I had no coins or any pocket money on me when I passed these musicians playing in the shade of the passage....

They're from Rumania and often they get little up to no money nowadays as people carry little to no cash money (ta resta) on themselves at present.

We live in the era of pin-payment in Western Europe and walking up to them as I had to pass bye and having my camera around my neck the clarinet player payed extra attention towards me and the others followed suite! I knew I had no cash money on me, I suggested to blip them and they encouraged me to do so... and I showed them I was empty pockets before and after and they accepted that without a whimp / sec of troubled thoughts!

All we shared was, no money & Rumania....... well at the least we shared a warm warm Summer's day and our joys to celebrate that
I hope the musicians are treated well & warm

discovered days later I'd blipped the musicians 3 yrs ago too!

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