
Goodness this has been a quick, hot week.

On the drive to the train station this morning the mist was still lingering and the sun was trying to burn it off. Lots of beautiful scenes but I couldn't stop or Daughter would miss her train. On the way back the mist had started to clear and was only lingering in little pockets.

I noticed a few cars heading to the lake so hoped the mist might still be there and that the little fishing boats would be out. However, the mist had lifted and the fisherman were still on the shore.

I parked the car anyway and this is what I saw.

Not too shabby!

End of Daughter's third week of study. She is enjoying this course so much I think she will be disappointed when it ends. The highlights this week seem to have been spending a whole day mimicking animals and a morning spent with a play writer discussing how he works, what he expects from actors, plays they had seen and getting to read his most recent play.

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