Summit of The Old Man of Coniston

Another of those great days. The first time up the mountains since February 2013 and the first major ascent since that severe knee injury last September. All went well except for a blister that rubbed despite the early application of a Compeed plaster.

Ascended from Coniston Village joining the main track part the way up, making our way to the summit on the main path. Had lunch with quite a crowd of other people around the cairn then set off along the ridge in the background to Brim Fell, Little and Great How Crags (where we accepted the offer of a Malteser from a young lady who had been given them as a bribe by her ambitious partner who had taken her up the steepest possible ascent to the ridge) to Swirl How. Far fewer people here. I couldn't remember if I'd been on the summit before, but it turns out I had some 30 years or more ago.

From the summit of Swirl How we had the option of bagging Wetherlam as well, but caution won the day so after descending the Prison Band we made our way back to Coniston via Levers Water. One very valid reason for missing out on Wetherlam was the need to get back to a cafe in time for a cup of tea. You see the last time we climbed the Old Man, in 2003 it was a sweltering hot day and we were looking forward to tea and scones back in the village. But we arrived almost too late as the cafe was shut and they were only serving takeaways. In the end this was not too bad as we were able to purchase tea by the pint - which hardly touched the sides as it went down as we sat on the wall by the cafe.

This time there was to be none of that. We were back for tea and scone and well worth it too. One of the best scones I've had on this year's mission to find the best scone. The only thing that let it down was the size and appearance. Tasted wonderful but just a little small and it did not have that craggy bit around the sides where the dough tears apart as it rises and cooks. 40/44 though, a very creditable score.

Just enough time to enjoy a few minutes down by the shores of Lake Coniston in the early evening sun before driving back to the campsite and another barbeque this time chicken, beef burgers and sausage with left over pasta, potato salad and a mixed salad. All washed down by a bottle of Almond Champagne we'd brought back from California last year.

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