Snippets of my life.

By AmandaO

Perfect day

Lovely perfect day for so many reasons. Friends, picnic, park, sun, chat, laughter etc.

So many great photo opportunities but the usual flat battery made that difficult. Was enjoying myself too much to really care.

On an unrelated note, while barefoot, my friend asked me if I wear too-tight shoes. Asked why, apparently this was based on seeing my feet (his dad is a chiropractor hence observative on such matters)

Informed him that I have it on good authority this is the outcome of a childhood of feet squashed into too-small shoes... so not a current issue by any means.

Technically not quite sure what the issues with my feet are - as my feet are my norm - but it seems noticeable to some others.

Home now. Feeling good and have decided - while I can't literally undo the physical damage to my feet, I can make a conscious effort to take care of my feet and feel good about them.

So now looking for ideas on footcare. Some feet pampering is definitely called for :-)

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