Is the answer up above...

A really, really bloody weird thing has happened.

About 5 or 6 years ago when we were painting in the hallway, I was sanding the wood round the door, i noticed a little nubbly bit on the wood, as I rubbed the paint off.

As I looked at it, I dragged himself over and said "look,it looks like a bit of hedge".

Himself looked at it, and contemplated for a minute. He considered that perhaps it was a little knot in the wood which had broken loose; we looked a bit more, couldn't see anything else and rubbed it a wee bit and then finished the painting.

Roll on 5 years, (at least).

As I walked from the kitchen this morning... what did I see?

A complete flipping tree had sprouted OVERNIGHT from the little lump on the wall.

I was so freaked by it (remember this is 5 years since I first saw this), I made himself remove it, (after the obligatory photo), and throw it away.

I got to work, and forgot about it for a while, (mostly because I sleep for a bit),but then it popped back into my mind... so i described the scenario above and send the picture around everyone to ask opinion.

The guys said "You have a marijuana plant growing out your wall".

D said, "brilliant - a feature tree".

L said "weird".

Weird is the correct answer.

Freaked me out.

Please tell me why this has happened?

Am confused.

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