a town called E.

By Eej

Devil's Child

Her real name is Recluse, affectionately referred to as Devil's Child and Spawn of Satan but responding best to a high-pitched BIBIIIII!
She, in turn, once greeted me with a sound resembling 'herro!' which makes us believe all our cats speak Engrish.
Reck (and ms. T who will be Blipped as number 5) 'sort of' came with the house we live in when the owners (and our friends) moved to Florida.
The Bibi LOVES everything that's bad for kitties ... like pizza, french fries and ice cream. She seems to puff up to an even cuter ball of cat when she thinks she can coerce us into giving her something she really, really wants. But when the girl is bad ... she's baaaaaaad. And totally deserving of her nicknames.
Fortunately we think she's hysterical when she hisses and spits and growls. She's a cat with a bark much worse than her bite ;)

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