Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Tea party ...

DDLCs son Chazminda held his annual coffee/tea party today ... It's always quite a tense affair as Chazminda is an awful lot like Basil Fawlty.

I get a text message on Wednesday ..

'Jane do you want to come to my coffee morning '

I text back ' yes please'

Chazminda says 'it's all free and can you make the scones and cakes '

'Yessssssssss' say I ....

When I arrive I am not allowed to even put my order in for a drink .. He is a terrible waiter and an awfully difficult maître de ... If anyone dare ask for anything you are told off,I bet that kid ends up working in hospitality when he is older ... Little sod.

(Secretly I love it but we don't tell him that ;-) )

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